On this page you can find various surveys and other data that the ACCS has aquired over the years relating to the London Borough of Croydon.
Click on the map to download the Croydon Society's water map showing past ponds and water courses up to 1976. (3.5Mb PDF)
Click on the map to download the north section of the ACCS's water map 1993. (5.7Mb PDF)
Click on the map to download the south section of the ACCS's water map 1993. (4.7Mb PDF)
The following maps show the areas of heather on Addington Hills and Croham Hurst. The surveys are being carried out every 5-6 years in order to see how the extent of the heather changes over time. In both areas the heather is restricted in its extent by shading from trees and trampling by people. Scrub and tree clearance has been taking place in order to reverse this trend. Click on a map to download a PDF version.
Addington Hills heather 2002 (1.2 Mb PDF)
Addington Hills comparison 2002-07 (2.2Mb PDF)
Croham Hurst heather 2002 small scale (365Kb PDF)
Croham Hurst heather 2002 large scale (750Kb PDF)
Croham Hurst comparison 2002-2008 (1.3Mb PDF)
Croham Hurst heather 2008 small scale (450Kb PDF)
Croham Hurst heather 2008 large scale (1.2Mb PDF)

A publication covering 15 years of work surveying and experimenting with coloured lights to attract male Glow Worms, mostly carried out in the Riddlesdown area of Croydon.
Available from: CNHSS, 96A Brighton Road, South Croydon CR2 6AD. £3.50+£1 p&p.
Addington Hills heather 2012 (1.2 Mb PDF)
Addington Hills heather 2007 (1.2 Mb PDF)
Addington Hills comparison 2002-20012 (1.8Mb PDF)
Croydon Ponds Project finishes. Click on the picture below to download a PDF version of the booklet.