If you belong to a group that you think would like to join ACCS then contact us.
Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society
General Secretary, 96a Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2 6AD. https://cnhss.co.uk
The Society offers a varied programme of walks and talks on subjects such as local history, botany and ornithology.
Downlands Partnership
https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/culture-and-leisure/countryside/management/partnerships/downlands We provide a countryside management service to tackle small scale environmental problems in a practical way, and encourage public access to the countryside. A leaflet is available. See also www.downlandstrust.org.uk/Links.html
East Surrey Badger Protection Society
P.O. Box 2774, Purley, Surrey, CR8 1WY, https://eastsurreybadgers.org.uk/ esbps.badgers@gmail.com
We were formed to watch over the local badger population, and to respond to any activities that may be detrimental to their welfare. We give free advice and practical assistance in all problems involving badgers.
24 hour rescue service. Tel: 020 8688 9905, 01883 380321, 020 8657 3227.
Friends of Foxley
12 Langham Dene, Purley, CR8. chrispm_parker@hotmail.co.uk www.friendsoffoxley.co.uk
Foxley Wood and Sherwood Oaks Field Local Nature Reserve are within reach of Purley and Kenley railway stations. Bus 434 passes near it on Monday to Saturday and 407 (alight at Purley or Kenley) all week. The Friends Group manages the woodland (ancient and secondary) and field in partnership with Croydon Council and meets on the second Sunday of each month (except November when we meet on the third Sunday) and the last Wednesday of each month (except December) to carry out work to preserve and enhance the habitat mixture.. There is a nature trail and a guide and information booklet for this is available. Click here for photos and more information about Foxley Wood.
Friends of King’s Wood
Pinewood Cottage, Kingswood Way, South Croydon CR2 8QN friendsofkingswood@hotmail.co.uk
The Group meets every Tuesday morning to look after the 65 hectares of ancient oak woodland, known for its splendid bluebell display. Much work has been done to eradicate invasive species such as laurel and they have reintroduced a coppice programme for hazel. The group organises guided walks and talks for the public, carries out wildlife surveys and maintains a Nature Trail. Click here for photos and more information about King's Wood.
Friends of Littleheath Woods
53 Queenhill Road, Selsdon, CR2 8DW. Ian.leggatt@btinternet.com www.folw.co.uk This is an active volunteer group which meets every Tuesday morning to carry out conservation work in the woods. Work ranges from coppicing, path restoration, eradicating invasive species to maintaining the three ponds on the site. Guided walks in the woods are organised throughout the year.
Click here for photos and more information about Littleheath Woods. Click here to download a leaflet for the area (2.3Mb PDF).
Friends of Purley Beeches
16 Barrards Hall, Beech Avenue, Sanderstead. CR2 0NL
www.friendsofpurleybeeches.co.uk email; friendsofpurleybeeches01@gmail.com
Purley Beeches is the wooded heart of Lower Sanderstead. 17½ acres in total, mostly rufty tufty woodland with a large, sloping open green space at one end, complete 2 tennis courts.
The Friends meet one Saturday morning, most months of the year to clear paths, collect fallen wood, remove invasive species, plant thousands of spring bulbs, hundreds of saplings and every now and again, a specimen tree. Old, rotten benches are gradually being replaced and last year a secure tool storage unit was purchased and installed, a huge benefit in having all of our equipment on site. Click here for more information about Purley Beeches.
Friends of Selsdon Woods
020 8657 0423 www.friendsofselsdonwood.co.uk selsdonwood@gmail.com
Click here for photos and more information about Selsdon Woods
Friends of South Norwood Country Park (FoSNCP)
South Norwood Country Park is a 125 acre designated local nature reserve.
FoSNCP meet for volunteer work mornings on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month to carry
out conservation work in partnership with Croydon Council. In addition to our conservation work, we
organise guided nature and wildlife walks including bat and bird walks. Please visit
https://friendsofsncp.org.uk/ and our Facebook page to find out more and view some wonderful
photos taken within the Country Park. Contact friendsofsncp@gmail.com
Friends of South Norwood Lake
https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofsnlake friendsofsouthnorwoodlakes@gmail.com
The park is home to Croydon’s largest water body, woodlands and playing fields. It is a Site of Interest for Nature Conservation, supporting 6 bat species and diverse water fowl. The Friends meet on the first Sunday of each month from 10am – 12pm for seasonal group activities such as community gardening, bramble clearing, woodland management, orchard maintenance and litter picking. All welcome.
Friends of Spring Park Wood
A small, 7 acre, remnant of the once huge Spring Park Wood is hidden between houses. The Friends group is carrying out practical woodland management, using traditional skills like coppicing, layering and snedding to bring back the health and biodiversity of this oasis. Click here for photos and more information about Spring Park Wood.
Friends of Stambourne Woods
Genevieve Dexter, Secretary, 14 Limekiln Place SE19 2RE 07711 419 412 gdexter@me.com https://www.facebook.com/StambourneWoods/
Stambourne Woods is a hidden woodland in Crystal Palace, covering just 4.75 acres. Originally part of the Great North Wood and subsequently being incorporated into the gardens of Victorian houses, it is now an urban oasis running from Church Road, opposite the Queen’s Hotel, down the hill to Auckland Road. Friends of Stambourne Woods runs monthly weekend activity days, with conservation work for adults and forestry school lessons for children.
Friends of Miller’s Pond
Chairman Eric Molkenthin, www.friendsofmillerspond.co.uk
Affilliated to the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, the group works in partnership with Croydon Council to care for this four-acre park in Shirley with its one-acre pond. The site was acquired by Croydon Council in 1934 as an open space and the pond supports several species of wildfowl. There are entrances in Shirley Way, Farm Lane and Worcester Close. The group has work mornings in the park on the last Saturday of every month except December; there are also regular indoor meetings. Click here for photos and more information about Miller's Pond.
Friends of Farthing Downs and Happy Valley
Contact pauline@payne42.co.uk Web site www.friendsoffarthingdowns.co.uk
Enhance the heritage and leisure value of Farthing Downs, New Hill and Happy Valley.
Promote awareness and interest through events and activities for all ages and communities.
Protect the integrity of the Downs by working with the City of London and Croydon council to engender a wider sense of ownership.
Friends of Rickman Hill Park
Contact thefriendsofrickmanhillpark@gmail.com https://www.thefriendsofrickmanhillpark.co.uk
Our aim? To preserve, maintain and enhance our local much-loved open space.
Rickman Hill Park (or Recreation Ground as some know it) is a 16-acre park that nestles between Coulsdon and Chipstead on the South Eastern-most border of the London Borough of Croydon. Sitting on the edge of the green belt at over 500 foot above sea level, it’s the highest park in London and offers some fantastic views of famous landmarks across the city!
It already provides the community with a children's play area, sports & recreation facilities and wooded areas to explore. But, working in partnership with Croydon Council as a recognised "Friends Of" group and with the wider community, we want to improve facilities for all - making Rickman Hill Park a better place to visit, and a greater place to live near! Click here for photos and more information about Rickman Hill Park
Friends of Wettern Tree Garden
Help us care for this peaceful garden. The Friends of the Wettern Tree Garden meet for gardening on the first and second Saturday of each month 10am to noon. See our website or contact us on friendsofwetterntreegarden@gmail.com or call Jean Hain on 020 8660 0493 for more information.
Hutchinsons Bank Volunteers
Contact Contact: tedforsyth@btinternet.com 020 8651 0558 or malcolm.bridge@ntlworld.com 020 8289 3839
A group of volunteers clearing scrub to restore chalk grassland in a dry chalk valley near New Addington. Click here for photos and more information about Hutchinson's Bank.
London Wildlife Trust
Skyline House, 200 Union Street, London, SE1 0LX www.wildlondon.org.uk enquiries@wildlondon.org.uk London Wildlife Trust is one of 47 Wildlife Trusts which form a nationwide network of local nature conservation charities. Click here for photos and more information about Bramley Bank or click here for Hutchinson's Bank or here for Chapel Bank.
MHA The Wilderness
MHA The Wilderness is a unique and reformed garden which was first discovered over a 100 years ago. The reclaimed wilderness offers access to a hidden heritage garden in South London with an accessible, engaging and nature conservation programme of activities. https://www.mha.org.uk/get-involved/the-wilderness/
Email, thewilderness@mha.org.uk Click here for more information about MHA The Wilderness.
RSPB Croydon Local Group
The RSPB Croydon Local Group aims to introduce people to the RSPB, to raise money to fund nature conservation and to monitor local birds. We hold indoor meetings in South Croydon, in both the afternoon and evening, on the second Monday of each month except June. Other recent evens have included an autumn fair, a quiz night and a sponsored bird race around Croydon and we sell RSPB goods and birdfood.
There is an annual survey of birds in Croydon's gardens and open spaces to which anyone can contribute (we are always ready to welcome new participants) and copies of our reports are available. This helps us to monitor how our bird life is faring and we can share this information with Croydon Council, local conservation societies and other interested parties. We will also consider organising a survey of specific sites for local groups if requested.
If you are interested in going further afield to see birds (and other wildlife) we organise full day outings to birdwatching sites in south east England. There are usually two outings at weekends and one midweek. You can just turn up at the advertised meeting place, but if joining us for the first time please let the organiser know in advance.
We also have a series of talks which we give to other organisations for a donation of funds.
There is more information about the Group and its activities on our website: http://www.rspb.org.uk/groups/croydon/
If you want to find out about recent bird sightings in the Croydon area you can find them on our related Croydon Birders website: http://croydon-birders.wikia.com/wiki/Latest_News
The Conservation Volunteers (Croydon & Surrey)
Pond Cottage, Conduit Lane, Croydon, CR0 5RQ. Tel: 020 8726 0974,
volunteer-croydon@tcv.org.uk www.tcv.org.uk/london/croydon
The Conservation Volunteers are a national charity with an office here in Croydon. The charity supports individuals and groups in hands on practical activity to look after local green spaces. Croydon volunteers put in thousands of hours of conservation work each year improving biodiversity and encouraging use of local open spaces. We work in partnership with local authorities like Croydon Council and the City of London who help fund our activities. We also work with schools, businesses, and local groups to arrange days out or specific projects in and around Croydon, South London and Surrey.
For more information you can visit our website to see our current programme of activities or visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/tcvcroydon
Purley Beeches
South Norwood Lake
Rickman Hill Park

Wettern Tree Garden
MHA The Wilderness

ACCS Members
Click on photos for more details
Foxley Wood
Kings Wood
Littleheath Woods
Selsdon Woods
Hutchinson's Bank
Dollypers Hill
Spring Park Wood
Millers Pond
South Norwood Country Park